From Ram to Remedy: Unveiling the Aries Botanical Constellation Approach to Herbal Remedies
“After the Spring equinox, the fiery passions of Aries season make it a perfect time to welcome the changes that develop in our lives.”
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash
Ram, Mars, Sulfur & Fire.
Sounds kinda like a witches brew band. However, now I have Earth, Wind, and Fire songs going through my mind.)
Take your magic brain eraser out — this is not about your horoscope, or month ahead astrology report. Rather, tying together how the characteristics in the constellation influence plant constitution, and which plants carry Aries characteristics. Plus, how these might help you determine the nuance of when to use a certain earthly medicine if you’re going, au naturale.
This is called Botanical Constellation Approach theory and is a pioneering methodology in herbalism, deeply rooted in essence and dynamic energy of the zodiac signs. It’s also worth noting that our zodiac signs are merely anecdotally named after constellations. Thus, drawing inspiration from astrological principles and botanical synergies, it aims to harmonize herbal remedies with the inherent qualities of individuals and their rising sign, supporting one’s vitality and resilience.
To shape this story a broad stroke overview of Aries qualities is pertinent. And I’ll get to that in a moment.
I’d like to frame for you that while we will all resonate more dominantly with details about our own Zodiac sign, (if you give any sh!t. If not, this will be intriguing if not entertaining), open the mind to know that we all possess the 12 signs. Just as we all have within us the inherent knowing of the Universe, Spirit, God, whatever you refer to. Where we dominate is typically what influences who we are the most.
That said, in my limited understanding and studies with Botanical Constellation approaches, their connection with plant aspects and influences, we look to the Rising (and loosely Sun) sign aspects of Aries to kick off this 12 month series. Ex: my Sun sign is in Aries (Yay! April Birthday babe. However, my Rising sign is Leo — ughh, double fire whammy for this girl. Luckily, I have some Cancer/Water with my Moon to calm some of that double dose.) I know, some eye rolls here. Stay with me.
Where I find this all truly intriguing as a practitioner when working with a client on their health is looking at where potential relational aspects one may want to consider for what herbs, foods, etc. contribute to what will work best, or have influence of reactionary affects on the biochemical make up and in relation to Aries’ innately fiery central nervous system based directly on their characteristics.
Basics of Energetic Architecture of Aries:
Most commonly we recognize the Ram as the headstrong metaphor. Taking charge, leading with internal power, drive and will is their strong suit. On the opposite, this fiery nature, if not consciously controlled can lead to butting heads, stubbornness, impatience, impulsiveness, anger, and acting before thinking.
Aries symbolizes the spark of life and the first pulse of Creation we see in the Spring with plants emerging from Winter slumber. Scientists call it the “Big Ban"g”-and Aries certainly embodies that very explosive, fiery quality and dynamic energy required for initiating new beginnings and manifesting life from the (Winter) void.
It’s also associated with the planet Mars which is said to rule Tuesday as the day of week. Mars energy possesses and sparks the creative colors of Orange, Red & Yellow representing its element of Fire. Aries also represents cardinality, signifying the emergence of individual ego and personal identity from the collective.
Keywords such as "I am" underscore Aries' focus on self-establishment and assertion, while its duality as a yang sign reflects its active and assertive nature.
It’s important here in this theory to note that Aries' energetic profile is characterized by hot and dry qualities, akin to the vital force of fire, driving individuals toward action and exploration.
Cons: Aries directionally opposite sign, Libra, is strong in finishing what they start. That quality creates a challenge for Aries energy. They possess so much creativity, ideas, adventurous spirit, and the will and desire to powerfully start, initiate, go get what they want, and explore so much — unfinished are projects everywhere! (Ahem, right here. A muscle for me that is a current work in progress. Hence, sitting here forcing myself to finish this and not let it become another in the long list of posts sitting in draft mode.)
“I like to think of Aries is that it embodies the energy required to create something from nothing.”
Recognizing Botanical Similarities in Plants to Aries.
Botanicals aligned with Aries resonate with the above energetic archetype, often exhibit sharpness such as thorns, prickles, serrated leaves, masculine warrior looking plants like Nettle and Devils Club. Which are great at building adrenal reserves and handling stress.
Plants can be found with red-orange coloration, and strong presence in the way they appear.
From a taste perspective, on the sympathetic side, one finds pungent qualities resonating with Aries' fiery nature. Ingredients like cayenne, peppercorn, cardamom, cloves, horseradish, and wasabi stimulate the mind, sinuses, and respiratory tract, enhancing vital force, blood circulation, and digestive fire. These flavors, with their expansive and radiant Yang nature, offer a tingling sensation. Prickly Ash and ginger also improve circulation. If you have cold hands and feet with improper circulation one could start to look to the hypothalamus in the brain that regulates temperature in the body..
On the contrary, on the antipathetic side, we can explore bitter taste remedies that offer a means to balance and moderate the fiery nature. These botanical herbs provide cooling, draining, and drying effects. However, it's important to note that excessive fluid loss can impact the liver and gallbladder. While sour tastes typically induce heat, fruits like lemons and berries possess cooling and alkalizing properties despite their sourness, which contributes to a supportive post-digestive effect. Aloe serves as an excellent example to illustrate this concept. It thrives in hot, dry desert climates, yet it remains succulent, juicy, and hydrating, making it one of my favorites for internal and external healing properties.
Nettle: Photo by Paul Morley on Unsplash
One of my teachers enlightened me about the fascinating relationship between Earth and Mars, particularly in how it influences botanical growth. With Mars ruling Aries, it's intriguing to discover that many plants with hot and dry characteristics thrive in cold, damp environments like the Pacific Northwest. It's a curious twist, isn't it? It's as if the very essence of Mars finds a cozy home amidst the damp chill of the PNW as a habitat hub for Mars-influenced flora.
Reflecting on this, I find it ironic, yet perhaps not coincidental, that I relocated from the arid desert of Arizona and California to Portland, Oregon. While charming, Portland's climate proved challenging for my well-being including the feeling of being land locked with no visual of sunrises and sunsets, or views of water I was accustomed to the other 50 years of my life. Thus, after seven years, I ventured eastward in search of balance. Nestled between scorching summers and refreshing winters, I found my balanced oasis one and half hours east of the city in The Gorge where I could find solace in the rhythm of the seasons. It was this balance between hot desert summers and cool, damp winters, along with access to water where I sought my ideal equilibrium. While I cherished living in the arid desert the prolonged dryness became overwhelming. Nonetheless, I thrive in heat and sunlight, as long as I have physical and visual access to a body of water.
Relating This to Health and Organs For Aries:
Alright, let’s put a bow on this and tie the nature of an Aries rising/sun sign, persons characteristics, the plant energetics and recognition, with the sympathetic and antipathetic properties we discussed above. Remember, Aries individuals are known for their headstrong, Type A personalities, often prone to overthinking-mind-looping and constant on-the-go activity. However, this fiery nature can lead to burnout, stress, and various health issues if not managed properly. We may experience hormonal imbalances, fatigue, depression, low sex drive, sharp headaches or migraines, and digestive issues due to this fast-paced lifestyle and choices. Certainly a cocktail for ultimate disaster.
To maintain a balance it's crucial for Aries to prioritize self-care, including mindful nourishment, rest, and stress management, to prevent chronic imbalance affecting their adrenals, digestion, and nervous system. Stimulating heat-inducing acidic foods like refined sugars, alcohol, grains and dairy should be avoided. The constant go and high stress placed on the body deeply affects the adrenals which will put them in a constant state of fight or flight, ultimately impacting the nervous system.
When the adrenals are stimulated, the nervous system goes into overdrive, leading to symptoms like nervousness, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. This heightened activity communicates with the thyroid, ultimately affecting the HPA axis loop (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenals) within the endocrine system. Poor blood circulation often accompanies these symptoms, hindering the flow of vital life force energy, known as Chi. When circulation is compromised, the lymphatic system becomes congested, putting pressure on cells and leading to cellular suffocation and starvation.
In such conditions, the kidneys may signal trouble, as lymphatic drainage becomes stagnant, potentially resulting in cellular damage and increased susceptibility to fungal, parasitic, and bacterial overgrowth, as well as various chronic illnesses. Continued stress exacerbates these issues, as stress is acidic in nature and leads to inflammation in the body. Aries individuals, prone to stress, may experience brain fog, fatigue, and a tendency to seek harsh stimulants like caffeine, emotional eating, or worse, drugs.
This chronic state of stress triggers cortisol secretion from the adrenals, leading to inflammation and calcium depletion from bones and tissues. This imbalance can disrupt the delicate balance of the microbiome, contributing to digestive issues. In essence, the body's intricate systems, when thrown into constant fight or flight mode, face significant strain and potential dysfunction, painting a less than ideal picture of health akin to a desert devoid of beauty.
In fact, in today’s modern world, this is a tale for all that lifestyle and food choices are and will lead to cellular damage, immune system issues, and other chronic dis-ease.
Aries should focus on nurturing their digestion, supporting their adrenal health, and promoting relaxation for the nervous system. In short, Aries have tendencies towards heat and excitation. Don’t throw fire on the fire!
What Now? 4 Things to Be Mindful Of:
Become aware of when you feel cold vs. hot. Inflamed and tense. Calm or stressed. This will help you to identify when you may want to incorporate something sympathetic (in resonance), or antipathetic (opposite).
As we head toward Summer, watch the diet closely. The combo of lots of great hot sun (acidic) combined with sad diet foods is a badly crafted cocktail. Eat lots of cooling, hydrating foods such as melons, berries, dark leafy veggies, cucumbers, celery. Ditch the coffee and have a fruit smoothie around 2-3 pm as the right choice to get glucose into the cells for properly fueled and healthy energy.
Support your adrenals. This endocrine organ is so crucial for us to support. Our true nature, in addition to modern day living, emphasizes that we need to provide all the love to them.
Quick bursts frequently throughout the day of breathing techniques, getting quiet for a couple minutes, stepping away for a 3 minute walk to clear the mind—walking is a great way to move and channel energy and direct it towards good. Dry brushing also really does work as well for lymphatic flow.
Passion Flower
What Earthly Plant Medicines Would Be Amazing For Aries?
Calming and Nervine Support:
To ease stress and tension, consider incorporating calming nervines like Skullcap, Passionflower, and Lavender into your Aries botanical constellation. These herbs work wonders in mitigating Aries' potential for stress, tension, and nervous exhaustion.
Adrenal Replenishment with Adaptogens:
For adrenal replenishment and emotional balance, turn to adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Milky Oats, the latter is wonderful for taking the edge off. These herbs directly support the adrenals, fostering resilience and balance, crucial for the Aries temperament.
Cooling Bitter Remedies:
Combat inflammation and fever with cooling bitter remedies such as Oregon Grape and Licorice. These herbs address Aries' predisposition towards inflammation and fever, helping to regulate their intense vital force and promote equilibrium. (Think about that fiery Ram charging forward-balance the heat.)
Support for the Nervous System:
Again, Passion Flower is very calming for the tissue nervous system, and a fantastic specific remedy for looping mind thoughts. As well, Schussler Cell Salt Kali Phos, specifically Potassium Phosphate, provides targeted support for the Aries nervous system. It alleviates symptoms of neurasthenia, anxiety, and nervous exhaustion, bringing clarity and stability to Aries' intense mental energy. Alternatively, Celtic Grey Salt is full of essential trace minerals lacking in most peoples diets and does the trick too.
I’ll leave you with a recent story of mine.
There are moments when our bodies signal a need for warmth, a desire for stability in the midst of overexcitement. These cues guide us towards either warming or cooling herbs and spices, depending on our body's state.
Take, for instance, a day when inflammation flared up, leaving me itching and emotionally agitated due to my chronic psoriasis. Acting impulsively, typical of my Aries nature, I reached for a comforting mushroom tea blend to soothe myself. Little did I realize, the blend contained turmeric, ginger, cardamom, and lemon balm— all with heating properties. In my quest for seemingly innocent helpful relief, I unknowingly exacerbated my condition, throwing fuel on the fire of my already stressed adrenals and a pissed off nervous system that left me cranky, anxious and feeling out of control.
The lesson? Aries/fire don’t always not need stimulants! It’s about the relaxant, tonic, easing tension as the best support.Sometimes, in our pursuit of comfort, we inadvertently aggravate our bodies further. In hindsight, opting for a simpler mushroom tea or cooling herbal remedies would have been wiser. Yet, seeking emotional solace, a calming chamomile and lavender tea could have provided both warmth and soothing, without exacerbating the inflammation.
It's moments like these that remind us to listen to our bodies, to pause and consider the best course of action, even with herbs, especially when our Aries impulsivity threatens to steer us astray.