The second group cohort of 2024 begins. Just in time for dry January and all the debauchery from the holidays! Great way to ring in the new year with this 3 month long paid certified instructor led coaching program that will cover regenerative wellness practices, concepts, and education geared toward weight loss.
We will meet 2x per month. Once on a Thursday for 60 minutes for a deep dive on topics. And again, 2 weeks later for a 30-45 minute Q&A progress check-in. Attendees will be provided a health protocol to follow with additional recommendations of food, nutrients, and scientific bio-hacks to be purchased separately from the coaching costs.
Live Q&A webinars will be held in January for further details. Go to the Regenerative Health tab on this site or, click here to be added to the email list for Connected Heart Regenerative, Metabolic and Energetic Health announcements.
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