The Mooners Collective

Moonologist 101

Join me as we go on an exploration of Mooning.

(And, no. It’s not showing us your hiney!)

What’s Included

Intro to Moon Phases.

Did you know that the Moon is one of the most potent manifestation tools that we have? Even if you don’t use the moon for such (which I hope you ultimately do after this), it’s still important to know the phases the moon moves about. Getting in tune with the moon in the night sky will bring more awareness to the rhythms occurring in your day to day life.

Every month, the phases of the Moon walk us through the stages of successful manifestation - from initial intentions to ultimate fruition and then reflection - and every step in between.

In this interactive session, I will help you understand these depths of the phases and their meanings, and how to use it as a tool for guidance. The how, the why and the when.

Most of us are already amazed by its beauty in the dark of the night sky. So why do we feel a certain way when it’s full, or new, or elsewhere in its phase? It’s definitely not a kawinkidink.

New & Full Moon Planning.

This will be a fun and creative project where I’ll show you how to create a simple and easy 12 month planner to track the New & Full Moon based on your zodiac rising sign. Know which astro sign each full and new moon enters that month for its own unique flavor. We’ll even dive light into the astro “houses” and the themes they represent in our lives. You’ll easily walk away being able to create one for your friends and family. (Zilch astrology knowledge or experience needed.)

Houses & Meanings.

I will provide you with a high level understanding of the houses and what the themes of them are. You’ll walk away with a handy cheaters reference chart so you’ll never forget.

Other Goodies

  • Moon Phases PDF Guidebook

  • Ongoing email reminders, guidance and encouragement as you take the practice into your own space as we move through each moon phase, including fun writing prompts for those inspired to journal and doodle whatever you desire, or track what you notice over time to increase awareness.

  • Essential oils supporting guide best used with each moon phase, including the astro zodiac signs.

  • Complimentary pack of wishing paper.

  • 2023 & 2024 Lunar Calendar w/noted eclipses.

  • Access to members-only FB group

  • Moon-shiner recipes (not to be mistaken for Moonshine ; )

  • More to come …

— Bonus #1

I’m a numbers geek. You’ll receive a bonus guide on the 12 house numbers and how it correlates to numbers in Numerology. It’s a really fun and unique way as you begin to track your moon cycle and how it all connects together in a bizarre and synchronistic way. It’s pretty cool!

— Bonus #2

One free ticket to the next privately scheduled New Moon manifesting circle ritual just for The Mooners Collective.

— Bonus #3

One free ticket to the next privately scheduled Full Moon release ceremony for The Mooners Collective.

*The additional learning in these moon circles is invaluable and you will see how it all connects together. Play time will be loads of fun!