First Aid Oils Essential for Adventuring
Oils Essential for Adventuring
Below I’ve listed some starting uses and tips for your adventure needs, some of their medicinal properties and what body systems they are associated with. The latter information is derived from Essential Oils Desk Reference published by Essential Science Publishing.
In Your Kit
A single oil excellent for all kinds of burns. And, hey ladies! It’s a great reliever for menstrual problems/PMS.
Medicinal properties: Here’s the “Anti’s": Antiseptic, fungal, tumoral, convulsant, inflammatory. Also, analgesic, relaxant, reduces blood fat/cholesterol, combats excess sebum on skin.
Body systems: nervous system, cardiovascular, emotional balance, skin and hair.
Another single oil that is a wonderful disinfectant to clean. Yes, it’ll sting but so does that darn chemical spray in stores. Why not use something safer, and better for the environment. Have an annoying pimple percolating. Dab some lemon oil on it a few times, and it may not even see the light of day. Already, have the pimple. Still dab away! It’ll disinfect the area, dry it out and have it heal quickly. For all you light weight geeks lemon is great to put a drop in your water for liver processing & cleansing. Beats carrying a sack of lemons. Have a sore throat? If you’re long hiking or camping boil some water, grab the little honey packet and you’re on your way. It’s great for disinfecting water straws and other hand to mouth items. Hand cleaning, dish cleaning and more. Getting sick of plain water? Flavor it up. (Just not a plastic water bottle, it’ll eat the plastic. Now think about that for a moment!)
Medicinal Properties: Antimuroral, antiseptic, improves micro circulation, and immune stimulant (increases white blood cells), improves memory, relaxation. Richie in limonene, which has been extensively studied for its abilities to combat tumor growth in over 50 clinical studies.
Body systems: respiratory, digestive/elimination, immune/anti-infections, anti-aging.
Peppermint or Wintergreen
This can also be added to your water bottle to flavor it up, or help get into your system for digestive issues.
Body systems: nervous system, respiratory, digestive, muscle & bone, oral hygiene, skin and hair. Wintergreen body systems: muscle & bone. .
Deep Relief roll-on
A wonderful blend consisting of penetrating essentials oils, including Peppermint, Wintergreen, and Copaiba, and is a perfect companion to soothe fatigued muscles after physical activity, mild to moderate pain.
Thieves Antiseptic Spray
I love this versatile all around spray. It’s a natural and fantastic non-chemical and toxic hand sanitizer, mouth spray (watch out! It’s a jolt at first if you’r not used to it. I often sneeze at first. It does get acquired, but if you have bad breath or haven’t gotten the sweaters off your teeth in a while, this is great!)
Body systems: Immune/Anti-infection, hair & skin
Nux Vomica
A tree plant where the seed is used as medicine derived from the evergreen family is a great easy and natural homeopathic healer. Use this instead of opting for antacids which are not good for your gut (another topic for another day). Plus, this is so much smaller and light weight to carry in your back pack than a bottle of those antacids. It comes as a microdose in tiny pellet form in your homeopathic aisle of the grocery store made by Boiron. It is excellent for nasseua, heartburn, upset stomaches and drowsiness due to over eating. If you like to partake in spirits on your adventure this can be great for hangovers. (Tried and tested :). While it won’t hydrate you, or restore your liver, it’ll help the ease the tummy and calm the nervous system. I’ve even used it on my pooches when they had upset tummies and were vomitting. Just know your dose, and theirs!
Arnica Montana
I’ve used this regularly for really long hikes to ease sore and aching muscles. In fact, I did a really long hike one time and new it had worked me that day. I took intuitively what I needed and the next day I did not wake up with that typical funny wobble walk one can get when doing too much in the gym or exercise class, and did another 10 miles the next day.
Boiron, tablets and gels & creams.
Safety & Disclaimer
Don’t forget to always test yourself first for any sensitivity or adverse reaction. This article is not intended to make claims for cures. Always know yourself, your allergies, and what might interact such as medicines, sunlight, etc. Advice is not given as a medical practitioner, nor do I make claims to be one so always consult with your doctor or naturopath if you’re unsure. Or, if haven’t used or are well versed in homeopathy prior. To treat, cure, or diagnose.