Lavender & Camping
What seems like a life time ago when I first got started with pure grade essential oils for healing purposes, I had been told the story of Dr. … who suffered acute burns in his science lab. The story was presented to me that he had lavender oil nearby and placed the oils on his burns. This in turn reportedly healed them. That stuck with me.
After many years going by and working more and more with oils, I always had many around. Building upon necessary tools in my life for things that seemed to regularly occur. Scrapes, bruises, sore muscles, broken bones, pulled muscles, kitchen accidents and just all around clumsy stuff. I’m in no short of that. Over time I started carrying around key oils when I went hiking, camping, and other adventuring … just in case.
I was camping with friends. We were having a good time. The fire just got going and I was manning the fire to create a good coal base so we could cook. I’m sure a beer or two were slinged back during prep time. Food was put on the fire as I monitored the cooking from time to time. In an absent minded moment I stupidly grabbed the food with my bare hands, or maybe it was the hot metal stick, or possibly the pan. I don’t recall anymore, but it’s not key to the story. All I know is it was a HOT grab!!! I instantly pulled away and probably said a couple explicitives. All while also being laughed at and scolded for what “Was I thinking?!” I wasn’t of course. It was more of a response I forgot I was monitoring the food and quickly reacted to reach for the food so it wouldn’t burn and my ego bruised from earlier bragging about what I was cooking was going to blow their minds.
The result. An immediate burned left thumb. Ouch! I quickly ran to my unorthodox first aid kit and grabbed my lavender oil remembering this story. Time to put it to the test. I began to slowly drip a couple drops on the sensitive sore thumb and gently smooth it on. Of course, it being a very strong and potent smell, the group was less than pleased. (C’mon, it’s just a flowering herb. We are in nature after all). But I agree, lavender is potent in its purest form.
Nonetheless, and very matter of fact and confidentially I stated it was magical in healing burns. Goodness, I hope I’m right and not end up being the actual victim here, I thought to myself. Throughout the evening I continued to moderately drop a little on and let it soak in. And, again before bedtime. As the night went on, the sensitivity and hurt was less and less. In fact, very early on, what should have been a burn welt and puffing of the skin, never transpired. While there was an aromatic grievence by the group, when I woke the next morning, voila! Not even a microcosm of evidence I was ever burned. No scar, no blistering, no sensitivity. Nothing. Healed. So there you have it. Proof that lavender does heal burns. At least, in my case it did. And, dinner was a hit.
Lavender has never left my first aid kit since.
For tips on other key first aid items, check out this post: